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Blood Flow Restriction Training

Sep 12, 2022 | Uncategorized

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get stronger and gain muscle mass without lifting heavy weights? Or even better, wouldn’t it be nice to build muscle back quicker after recovering from injury or surgery? What if there was a way to provide someone in pain with a way to exercise without hurting their already painful joints? Blood flow restriction (BFR) training at Louisiana Orthopaedic Specialists may solve these problems.

Blood flow restriction training sounds pretty intimidating. Essentially, it involves exercising with a very low weight using a mild tourniquet on the limb. The tourniquet does not completely cut off blood flow but restricts it anywhere from 40-80%. This restriction forces the muscle to operate with less oxygen in the restricted area, making the exercise much harder and the limb fatigue quicker. Fatigue acts as a trigger to build muscle, even with very light weight!

Blood flow restriction training has shown incredible results for patients undergoing many different knee surgeries, foot/ankle surgeries, and even non-operative conditions like pain in the kneecap or osteoarthritis. BFR is not a cure-all, as there are many conditions for which BFR should not be used. High blood pressure, acute fractures/surgeries, excessive swelling, cardiac issues, and pregnancy are just a few conditions that may prevent someone from being eligible for BFR training.

Contact Louisiana Orthopaedic Specialists to request an appointment if you are experiencing pain that limits your independence, fitness goals, or hobbies. Our rehab team has several BFR units and years of experience using these tools. We can also carefully design a personalized exercise program for you.  BFR may be what you need to bridge the gap for recovery.


Healthcare providers, if you would like to learn more about using BFR in your practice, contact the Louisiana Orthopaedic Specialists rehabilitation department about full-length CEU courses offered on site or in your clinic. For additional information or to schedule an appointment or training email therapyinfo@laorthospec.com or call 337-889-3106.