Total Knee Replacement (TKR)
A total knee replacement (TKR) or total knee arthroplasty is a surgery that resurfaces an arthritic knee joint with an artificial metal or plastic replacement parts called the ‘prostheses’.
Robot Assisted Total Knee Replacement
Benefits of Robotic Total Knee Replacement Surgery
ROSA robotic knee surgery is a technique that permits the surgeons at Louisiana Orthopaedic Specialists to customize the procedure to the patient’s anatomy. We have seen this procedure improve both the patient’s recovery and knee replacement function. It is important to understand that the decision to receive these procedures is individualized to the patient and the patient’s symptoms. It is important to discuss with our surgeons whether robotic total knee surgery is right for you.
Contact Louisiana Orthopaedic Specialists today to determine if you are a candidate for robotic total knee replacement surgery.
Rosa-Available in Lafayette with Dr. Adam Perry, Dr. Michael Duval, Dr. James B. Kyle, Dr. Thomas Montgomery, and Dr. Peter Vizzi
– Rosa uses flexible imaging modalities, including x-ray based imaging and imageless options, allowing surgeons and patients reduced imaging costs and convenience in preparing for surgeries. Preoperative planning with 2D x-ray to 3D bone modeling X-Atlas™ technology limits instrumentation in the operating room and facilitates custom plans based on a patient’s unique anatomy.
– The ROSA robot optimizes the accuracy of a knee replacement procedure by customizing it to the patient’s individual anatomy. We have seen this advanced technology improve both the recovery for our patients and the function of the knee replacement.
Please review this brochure for more information on the Rosa Knee System (Click Here).
Mako-Available in New Iberia and Abbeville with Dr. Seth Rosenzweig and Brandon K. Kimbrel
– Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Total Knee replacement is a treatment option for adults living with mid to late-stage osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Mako provides you with a personalized surgical plan based on your unique anatomy. First, a CT scan of the diseased knee joint is taken. This CT scan is uploaded into the Mako System software, where a 3D model of your knee is created. This 3D model is used to pre-plan and assist your surgeon in performing your total knee replacement.
Persona IQ-The Smart Knee
Persona IQ collects information about your new knee and how it’s performing after surgery, Persona IQ allows you and the Louisiana Orthopaedic Specialists team to check your progress and adjust your treatment plan throughout every step of your recovery. It’s a smarter, more personalized way to regain mobility and feel like you again.
These Smart Knee implants are now being performed by Adam Perry, MD, and James B. Kyle, MD.
Arthroscopy of the Knee Joint
Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure in which an arthroscope is inserted into a joint. Arthroscopy is a term that comes from two Greek words, arthro-, meaning joint, and -skopein, meaning to examine.
The benefits of arthroscopy involve smaller incisions, faster healing, a more rapid recovery, and less scarring. Arthroscopic surgical procedures are often performed on an outpatient basis and the patient is able to return home on the same day.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament ACL Reconstruction
The anterior cruciate ligament is one of the major stabilizing ligaments in the knee. It is a strong rope like structure located in the centre of the knee running from the femur to the tibia. When this ligament tears unfortunately it doesn’t heal and often leads to the feeling of instability in the knee.
ACL reconstruction is a commonly performed surgical procedure and with recent advances in arthroscopic surgery can now be performed with minimal incisions and low complication rates.
ACL Reconstruction Hamstring Tendon
ACL Reconstruction Patellar Tendon
Uni Condylar Knee Replacement
This simply means that only a part of the knee joint is replaced through a smaller incision than would normally be used for a total knee replacement. The knee joint is made up of 3 compartments, the patellofemoral and medial and lateral compartments between the femur and tibia (i.e. the long bones of the leg). Often only one of these compartments wears out, usually the medial one. If you have symptoms and X-ray findings suggestive of this then you may be suitable for this procedure.
Revision Knee Replacement
This means that part or all of your previous knee replacement needs to be revised. This operation varies from very minor adjustments to massive operations replacing significant amounts of bone and hence is difficult to describe in full.
Please use the links below to get more information from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: